Jaynes Centennial Symposium Photos and Videos
Click the thumbnails below to view videos of presentations at the Jaynes Centennial Symposium, presented October 15, 2024, in Emerson Auditorium on WashU's Danforth Campus.

Mark Anastasio
Approximating the Bayesian ideal observer for optimizing biomedical imaging systems

William Bialek
Inference and the physics of life: From flies to flocks

John W. Clark
Personal Remembrances of Ed Jaynes

Dmitry Krotov
Dense Associative Memory and its potential role in brain computation

Eric Lutz
Maximum entropy principle from statistical to quantum physics

Shankar Mukherji
The Edwin Thompson Jaynes Postdoctoral Fellowship in Physics

David W. Piston
Precise sub-cellular temperature measurement through nanodiamond quantum sensing

Peter Price
Extending Jaynes’ Bayesian View of Fickian Diffusion

Jung-Tsung Shen
From the Jaynes–Cummings Model to Correlated Photon Transport: Unveiling Quantum Light–Matter Interactions

Irfan Siddiqi
Harnessing the Power of the Unseen Quantum World

David Wolpert
How Constraints Affect Evolution of Entropy – Strengthened Second Laws

Lan Yang
Exploring Light-Matter Interactions through Jaynes’ Lens of Inference and Physics

Nicole Yunger-Halpern
How a paragraph by Jaynes grew into a field: Non-Abelian thermodynamics